BT phone lines are available with our home broadband and TV packages, as well as our landline plans.
When you place your order we’ll need the phone number or postcode of the property where you want the new line. We use this information to find out if there is an existing BT line we can activate, or whether you will need a new line.
If your landline is currently with another provider, we will let you know if you can retain your existing number when you place your order. If you can keep it, you don’t have to do anything, we’ll transfer it for you.
We'll connect you in 4 to 21 working days - you'll get a provisional date once we've checked your details during the order.
Connection times vary depending on whether there is an existing line at the property we can reconnect, or you need a new line.
Your landline enters your home through what’s called a primary socket. If you’ve got a primary socket there could be an existing BT line at your property, which we may be able to reconnect remotely without an engineer appointment.
The primary socket will have one or two ports and possibly a BT logo. It is usually found in your hallway or living room, but could be somewhere less obvious, such as under the stairs.
If you don’t have a primary socket, you may need an engineer appointment to get a new line installed.
When you place your order we’ll let you know if an engineer needs to install a line at the property.
On the morning of the appointment you’ll get a text or email with their name and contact details.
If the engineer is installing broadband or TV, you’ll be sent your Hub or EE TV box in advance, so please make sure you have the equipment ready.
To change your appointment time, sign into Track My Order using your order reference and postcode or your BT ID. Find out how to get a BT ID >
If you already have a working landline and need an additional line with a different phone number, an engineer will need to install a second line.*
If you need an additional (extension) socket for your phone or would like to move an existing socket, we can arrange this for you. It will require an engineer appointment.